Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC-WUR) Macroscale Hydrologic Model¶
You are viewing the documentation for VIC-WUR. VIC-WUR extends the VIC model with several modules to simulate the human impact on global water resources and crop growth (using WOFOST). Only VIC-WUR described here, for further descriptions of VIC you are referred to the VIC documentation page of UW-Hydro
VIC-WUR (Droppers et al., 2020a; Droppers et al., 2020b) is a macroscale hydrologic model that simulates the human impact on global water resources and crop growth (using WOFOST). VIC-WUR is based on VIC-5 (Liang et al., 1994; Hamman et al., 2018), which solves full water and energy balances.
VIC-WUR is a research model and has been applied globally. The VIC model is distributed under the GNU GPL v2.0 license. If you make use of this model, please acknowledge the appropriate references listed on the references page. These should include Liang et al., 1994 for VIC, Droppers et al., 2020a for VIC-WUR, Droppers et al., 2020b for VIC-WOFOST, and any references relevant to the features you are using, which are cited in the feature descriptions on the VIC-WUR Model Overview page.
Development and maintenance of the current official version of the VIC-WUR model is led by the Water Systems and Global Change group | Departement of Environmental sciences | Wageningen University. Every new application addresses new problems and conditions that the model may not currently be able to handle, and as such the model is always under development. The VIC-WUR model is an open source development project, which means that contributions are welcome, including to the VIC-WUR documentation.
All development activity is coordinated via the VIC-WUR github page, where you can also find all archived, current, beta, and development versions of the model.