Crop Model Parameters


It is the user's responsibility to ensure that parameter files are formatted appropriately.

The crop parameters serve the following main purposes:

  • Define crop types (and associated vegetation types)
  • Define crop growing season (planting, harvesting, extent, and TSUMS)
  • Define default fertilizer application
  • Define default mineralization rates
  • Define Temperature factor

The crop parameters are supplied to VIC-WUR in a NetCDF file, with a separate variable for each crop parameter.

Below is a list of crop parameters.

Variable Name Dimension Units Type Number of Values Description
Ncrop [lat, lon] N/A int 1 Number of crop in cell
Cc [lat, lon, crop, month] fraction double number of crops * months per year Crop coverage per months (used for multiple seasons per crop)
crop_veg_class [lat, lon, crop] vegetation class int number of crops Crop vegetation class
plant_day [lat, lon, crop] day of year double number of crops Crop plantin day
harvest_day [lat, lon, crop] day of year double number of crops Crop harvest day
TSUM1 [lat, lon, crop] degree celsius double number of crops Crop temperature sum to anthesis
TSUM2 [lat, lon, crop] degree celsius double number of crops Crop temperature sum to maturity
Tfactor [lat, lon] degree celsius double 1 Crop temperature factor
DVS_point [lat, lon, crop, fert] fraction double number of crops * fertilization times Crop development stage of fertilize application
N_amount [lat, lon, crop, fert] kg ha-1 double number of crops * fertilization times Crop nitrogen application
P_amount [lat, lon, crop, fert] kg ha-1 double number of crops * fertilization times Crop phosphorus application
K_amount [lat, lon, crop, fert] kg ha-1 double number of crops * fertilization times Crop potassium application
N_mins [lat, lon, crop] kg ha-1 double number of crops Crop nitrogen mineralization rate
P_mins [lat, lon, crop] kg ha-1 double number of crops Crop phosphorus mineralization rate
K_mins [lat, lon, crop] kg ha-1 double number of crops Crop potassium mineralization rate
N_recovery [lat, lon, crop] fraction double number of crops Crop nitrogen recovery rate
P_recovery [lat, lon, crop] fraction double number of crops Crop phosphorus recovery rate
K_recovery [lat, lon, crop] fraction double number of crops Crop potassium recovery rate

Example netCDF format VIC-WUR image driver crop parameters

netcdf crop_params_VICWOFOST_global {
    lon = 720 ;
    lat = 360 ;
    crop_class = 13 ;
    month = 12 ;
    fertilizer_times = 1 ;
    double lon(lon) ;
        lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
        lon:long_name = "longitude of grid cell center" ;
    double lat(lat) ;
        lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
        lat:long_name = "latitude of grid cell center" ;
    float Ncrop(lat, lon) ;
        Ncrop:units = "#" ;
        Ncrop:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        Ncrop:long_name = "Number of active crop classes" ;
    int crop_class(crop_class) ;
        crop_class:units = "#" ;
        crop_class:long_name = "Crop class" ;
    int month(month) ;
        month:units = "month of year" ;
        month:long_name = "month of year (1-12)" ;
    float Cc(month, crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        Cc:units = "fraction" ;
        Cc:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        Cc:long_name = "Crop coverage per month" ;
    float crop_veg_class(crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        crop_veg_class:units = "#" ;
        crop_veg_class:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        crop_veg_class:long_name = "Crop vegetation class" ;
    float plant_day(crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        plant_day:units = "day of year" ;
        plant_day:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        plant_day:long_name = "Day of year the crop is planted" ;
    float harvest_day(crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        harvest_day:units = "day of year" ;
        harvest_day:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        harvest_day:long_name = "Day of year the crop is harvested" ;
    float TSUM1(crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        TSUM1:units = "K" ;
        TSUM1:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        TSUM1:long_name = "Daily temperature sum from emergence to anthesis" ;
    float TSUM2(crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        TSUM2:units = "K" ;
        TSUM2:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        TSUM2:long_name = "Daily temperature sum from anthesis to maturity" ;
    float Tfactor(lat, lon) ;
        Tfactor:units = "K" ;
        Tfactor:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        Tfactor:long_name = "Temperature factor due to elevation" ;
    double fertilizer_times(fertilizer_times) ;
        fertilizer_times:units = "#" ;
        fertilizer_times:long_name = "Fertilizer time" ;
    float DVS_point(fertilizer_times, crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        DVS_point:units = "-" ;
        DVS_point:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        DVS_point:long_name = "DVS fraction after which fertilizer is applied" ;
    float N_amount(fertilizer_times, crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        N_amount:units = "kg ha-1" ;
        N_amount:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        N_amount:long_name = "N fertilizer amount" ;
    float P_amount(fertilizer_times, crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        P_amount:units = "kg ha-1" ;
        P_amount:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        P_amount:long_name = "P fertilizer amount" ;
    float K_amount(fertilizer_times, crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        K_amount:units = "kg ha-1" ;
        K_amount:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        K_amount:long_name = "K fertilizer amount" ;
    float N_mins(crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        N_mins:units = "kg ha-1" ;
        N_mins:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        N_mins:long_name = "N amount for mineralization" ;
    float N_recovery(crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        N_recovery:units = "kg kg-1" ;
        N_recovery:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        N_recovery:long_name = "N mineralization recovery rate" ;
    float P_mins(crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        P_mins:units = "kg ha-1" ;
        P_mins:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        P_mins:long_name = "N amount for mineralization" ;
    float P_recovery(crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        P_recovery:units = "kg kg-1" ;
        P_recovery:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        P_recovery:long_name = "N mineralization recovery rate" ;
    float K_mins(crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        K_mins:units = "kg ha-1" ;
        K_mins:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        K_mins:long_name = "N amount for mineralization" ;
    float K_recovery(crop_class, lat, lon) ;
        K_recovery:units = "kg kg-1" ;
        K_recovery:_FillValue = -1.f ;
        K_recovery:long_name = "N mineralization recovery rate" ;

// global attributes:
        :Description = "Crop parameters for VIC. Created by Bram Droppers" ;