Irrigation Model Parameters


It is the user's responsibility to ensure that parameter files are formatted appropriately.

The Irrigation Parameters serve three main purposes:

  • Define vegetation types that are irrigated and paddy irrigated
  • Define the irrigation efficiency and groundwater withdrawal fraction

The irrigation parameters are supplied to VIC-WUR in a NetCDF file, with a separate variable for each irrigation parameter.

Below is a list of irrigation parameters.

Variable Name Dimension Units Type Number of Values Description
veg_class [irr_class] N/A int 1 Vegetation class of the irrigation class
paddy [irr_class] 0 = not paddy irrigation, 1 = paddy irrigation int 1 Indicator for paddy irrigation
groundwater_fraction [lat, lon] fraction double 1 Fraction of irrigation comming from groundwater
irrigation_efficiency [lat, lon] fraction double 1 Fraction of water withdrawn per water required

Example netCDF format VIC-WUR image driver irrigation parameters

netcdf irr_params_MIRCA2000_global {
    irr_class = 2 ;
    lon = 720 ;
    lat = 360 ;
    int irr_class(irr_class) ;
        irr_class:units = "class" ;
        irr_class:long_name = "Irrigation class" ;
    int veg_class(irr_class) ;
        veg_class:units = "class" ;
        veg_class:_FillValue = -1 ;
        veg_class:long_name = "Vegetation class of irrigation class" ;
    int paddy(irr_class) ;
        paddy:units = "0 = not paddy irrigation, 1 = paddy irrigation" ;
        paddy:_FillValue = -1 ;
        paddy:long_name = "Paddy indicator" ;
    double lon(lon) ;
        lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
        lon:long_name = "lon" ;
    double lat(lat) ;
        lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
        lat:long_name = "lat" ;
    double groundwater_fraction(lat, lon) ;
        groundwater_fraction:units = "-" ;
        groundwater_fraction:_FillValue = -1. ;
        groundwater_fraction:long_name = "Fraction of irrigation comming from groundwater" ;
    double irrigation_efficiency(lat, lon) ;
        irrigation_efficiency:units = "mm mm-1" ;
        irrigation_efficiency:_FillValue = -1. ;
        irrigation_efficiency:long_name = "Fraction of water withdrawn per water required" ;

// global attributes:
        :Description = "Routing parameters for VIC. Created by Bram Droppers" ;