VIC Soil Parameter File

The soil parameter file serves three main purposes:

  • Define the cell ID number of each grid cell. This ID number is essentially a database key that links a grid cell to its parameters in the various parameter files.
  • Define the grid cell soil parameters, as well as geographic information such as grid cell center latitude and longitude.
  • Define initial soil moisture conditions, to be used in the absence of an initial state file.

The soil parameters are supplied to VIC as a single ASCII file, with a separate row for each grid cell, with each field containing a different parameter value (description of this file is below).

Soil hydrologic and thermal parameters needed for the different VIC model set-ups are listed below. All columns of the input file must be filled, but certain parameters need only be defined if the full energy or frozen soil models are activated. Variables in Red only need to have meaningful values if FULL_ENERGY is TRUE, otherwise they will be ignored (but a placeholder value of -9999 must still be present in that field unless the documentation explicitly says the field is optional). Violet text indicates parameters needed for the frozen soil model. Header lines can be added by starting the line with a '#'.

In previous versions certain parameters were read as average values for the entire soil column. In version 4.0 all soil parameter values are now read for all layers. Converting the soil parameter file from older model versions, should simply require copying column average values to separate columns for each soil moisture layer.

To help in understanding this file, an example file has been attached at the bottom of this page.

Column Variable Name Units Number of Values Description
1 run_cell N/A 1 1 = Run Grid Cell, 0 = Do Not Run
2 gridcel N/A 1 Grid cell number
3 lat degrees 1 Latitude of grid cell
4 lon degrees 1 Longitude of grid cell
5 infilt N/A 1 Variable infiltration curve parameter (binfilt)
6 Ds fraction 1 Fraction of Dsmax where non-linear baseflow begins
7 Dsmax mm/day 1 Maximum velocity of baseflow
8 Ws fraction 1 Fraction of maximum soil moisture where non-linear baseflow occurs
9 c N/A 1 Exponent used in baseflow curve, normally set to 2
10 : (Nlayer+9) expt N/A Nlayer Exponent n (=3+2/lambda) in Campbell's eqn for hydraulic conductivity, HBH 5.6 (where lambda = soil pore size distribution parameter). Values should be > 3.0.
(Nlayer+10):(2*Nlayer+9) Ksat mm/day Nlayer Saturated hydrologic conductivity
(2*Nlayer+10):(3*Nlayer+9) phi_s mm/mm Nlayer Soil moisture diffusion parameter
(3*Nlayer+10):(4*Nlayer+9) init_moist mm Nlayer Initial layer moisture content
(4*Nlayer+10) elev m 1 Average elevation of grid cell
(4*Nlayer+11):(5*Nlayer+10) depth m Nlayer Thickness of each soil moisture layer
(5*Nlayer+11) avg_T C 1 Average soil temperature, used as the bottom boundary for soil heat flux solutions
(5*Nlayer+12 dp m 1 Soil thermal damping depth (depth at which soil temperature remains constant through the year, ~4 m)
(5*Nlayer+13):(6*Nlayer+12) bubble cm Nlayer Bubbling pressure of soil. Values should be > 0.
(6*Nlayer+13):(7*Nlayer+12) quartz Nlayer Quartz content of soil
(7*Nlayer+13):(8*Nlayer+12) bulk_density kg/m3 Nlayer Bulk density of soil layer
(8*Nlayer+13):(9*Nlayer+12) soil_density kg/m3 Nlayer Soil particle density, normally 2685 kg/m3
(Optional) organic fraction Nlayer Fraction of soil layer that is organic. If ORGANIC_FRACT is TRUE in the global parameter file, this variable must be included in the soil parameter file. If ORGANIC_FRACT is FALSE then this variable must not appear in the soil parameter file. (release 4.1.2 and later)
(Optional) bulk_dens_org kg/m3 Nlayer Bulk density of organic portion of soil. If ORGANIC_FRACT is TRUE in the global parameter file, this variable must be included in the soil parameter file. If ORGANIC_FRACT is FALSE then this variable must not appear in the soil parameter file. (release 4.1.2 and later)
(Optional) soil_dens_org kg/m3 Nlayer Soil particle density of organic portion of soil, normally 1300 kg/m3. If ORGANIC_FRACT is TRUE in the global parameter file, this variable must be included in the soil parameter file. If ORGANIC_FRACT is FALSE then this variable must not appear in the soil parameter file. (release 4.1.2 and later)
(9*Nlayer+13) off_gmt hours 1 Time zone offset from GMT. This parameter determines how VIC interprets sub-daily time steps relative to the model start date and time.

NOTE: Important update in VIC 4.1.2:

We have adopted the following convention for off_gmt:
  • An off_gmt value of 0 indicates that the model start date/time is relative to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
  • An off_gmt value of (grid_cell_longitude*24/360) indicates that the model start date/time is relative to local time.
  • When outputting sub-daily results, VIC's output files are referenced to the model start date/time; therefore they are controlled by off_gmt (off_gmt=0 means VIC results are referenced to GMT; off_gmt=(grid_cell_longitude*24/360) means VIC results are referenced to local time).
  • Daily supplied forcings are assumed to start/end at midnight in local time; the forcing start date/time is thus in local time. When VIC disaggregates daily forcings into sub-daily forcings, off_gmt will be used to determine the time lag between the start of the forcing's diurnal cycle and the start of the VIC simulation.
  • Sub-daily supplied forcings are assumed to occur relative to the time zone indicated by off_gmt. Therefore, if VIC outputs these sub-daily forcings, they will occur at the exact same time of day as in the input files.

    Therefore, if mixing daily and sub-daily forcing inputs, it is important that any sub-daily forcing inputs be shifted as necessary to be in the time zone indicated by off_gmt.
  • (9*Nlayer+14):(10*Nlayer+13) Wcr_FRACT fraction Nlayer Fractional soil moisture content at the critical point (~70% of field capacity) (fraction of maximum moisture)
    (10*Nlayer+14):(11*Nlayers+13) Wpwp_FRACT fraction Nlayer Fractional soil moisture content at the wilting point (fraction of maximum moisture)
    (11*Nlayer+14) rough m 1 Surface roughness of bare soil
    (11*Nlayer+15) snow_rough m 1 Surface roughness of snowpack
    (11*Nlayer+16) annual_prec mm 1 Average annual precipitation.
    (11*Nlayer+17):(12*Nlayer+16) resid_moist fraction Nlayer Soil moisture layer residual moisture.
    (12*Nlayer+17) fs_active 1 or 0 1 If set to 1, then frozen soil algorithm is activated for the grid cell. A 0 indicates that frozen soils are not computed even if soil temperatures fall below 0C.
    (Optional) frost_slope C 1 Slope of uniform distribution of soil temperature (if SPATIAL_FROST == TRUE in the global parameter file).
    (Optional) max_snow_distrib_slope m 1 Maximum slope of the snow depth distribution. This is only used if SPATIAL_SNOW == TRUE in the global parameter file.

    This parameter should be set to twice the spatial average snow depth at which coverage == 1.0. In other words, if we define depth_thresh to be the minimum spatial average snow depth below which coverage < 1.0, then max_snow_distrib_slope = 2depth_thresh.

    NOTE: Partial snow coverage is only computed when the snow pack has started melting* and the spatial average snow pack depth <= max_snow_distrib_slope/2. During the accumulation season, coverage is 1.0. Even after the pack has started melting and depth <= max_snow_distrib_slope/2, new snowfall resets coverage to 1.0, and the previous partial coverage is stored. Coverage remains at 1.0 until the new snow has melted away, at which point the previous partial coverage is recovered.
    (Optional) July_Tavg C 1 Average July air temperature, used for treeline computations (required if COMPUTE_TREELINE == TRUE in the global parameter file).

    Note: if BASEFLOW is set to NIJSSEN2001 in the global parameter file, VIC will interpret the baseflow parameters Ds, Dsmax, Ws, and c to be the alternative baseflow parameters D1, D2, D3, and D4.

    Example Soil Parameter File:

    Example Soil Parameter File: VIC 4.0.5/4.0.6 Water Balance

    1   7   43.739  -92.4.0 0.010   1.e-4   3.05    0.93    2   4.0 4.0 4.0 250.0   250.0   250.0   -999    -999    -999    0.4 0.4 0.4 306.3   0.1 6.90    2.000   14.0    4.0 75.0    75.0    75.0    0.24    0.24    0.24    1306    1367    1367    2650    2650    2650    -6  0.330   0.330   0.330   0.133   0.133   0.133   0.001   0.010   500 0.02    0.02    0.02    1   18.665